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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I order books using this site?

Choose one of the categories and browse the list of entries. Clicking on titles, will take you to a page with a more detailed look at the book. You might find a table of contents, further descriptions or comments and recommendations from people, who've read the book. Should you decide to buy the book, you can do so by following one of our shop links, which will take you directly to a corresponding ordering & information page at (Germany), (Britain), or (United States), who from now on will take care of your request. You'll find information on prices and availability, maybe some further details and comments about contents from Amazon and it's customers, and instructions on how to order a book from their webstore. To return to cinetext film books, use the back button of your browser. Where available our shop links will always link to the paperback edition of a book.

I have placed an order at Amazon through your website but there seems to be a problem with that?

All requests concerning the delivery, delay, or cancellation of an order should be addressed to the Amazon webstore you actually placed your order at. Based on the Amazon associates program cinetext film books only provides links and information, which make it easier for you to find and choose the right books for your purposes and takes no responsibility for orders, shortcomings of orders or any claims that may arise out of the placement of an order at one of the shops featured on our site. From our own experience though shopping at Amazon is safe and usually very reliable. If delays happen, they are usually due to the unavailability of a title at the publisher or mistakes in the mail delivery process.

So what is this associates program all about?

Like many other e-commerce vendors Amazon has created a so called associates program to attract customers to its site. Web sites approved by Amazon for this program may feature links to books and other items from it's product line. For each item bought trough one of those links, the website receives a small referral fee from the shop. For details on how to become an Amazon associate visit their information page at,, or

Will ordering a book through your site make my order more expensive?

No! It's Amazon who pays it's associates for their advertising. Prices for customers are the same as if you'd bought the book directly from the shop.

Sounds all pretty commercial. I thought cinetext was an academic site and non-profit organization?

Well maybe not in the strict sense of the term. Making money however is certainly not our primary concern. As you may tell by looking at some of the books featured on our site, our main interest is to provide researchers with critical information about texts they might find usefull for their studies, whether they find it necesserary to buy the book or just use the information for their next trip to the local library. cinetext receives no financial support whatsoever and is based solely on the voluntary work of it's founders and contributors. Proceeds made from our association with,, and -should there actually ever be any- will be used to compensate these efforts and to keep this site and it's free services available for you.

How can I add a comment to the bibliography or suggest a book that needs to be included?

We are currently working on a program which will allow users to submit their suggestions and comments directly through our website by filling out a form. Until then please just send an e-mail containing your comments to or use the cinetext mailing list. We'll be glad to review your suggestions and add them to our website promptly.

I'm doing research on subject x. Can you tell me which book I should get?

Our bibliography was created to help people find books easier. However we encourage people to do their own research. Feel free to browse our bibliography and see what's there. If you don't seem to find the information or book you're looking for, why not go to,, or Their searchable database is huge and in many cases works just as good, or sometimes even better, than the catalogue of your local library. If you still need help, why not join the cinetext mailing list and see if the members have any suggestions.

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